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Name Plates

NZ Welder Repairs now stock custom made name plates for select models of Lincoln machine that are no longer available. Please advise if your name plate isn't listed here as we may be able to help you!

Lincoln 400AS Name Plate

400AS Name Plate400AS Name Plate 400AS Name Plate
Henry / Bullet Exciter outsideDC - 1 power point model214 - Start / Run lever

Name plate for the Lincoln 400AS mobile welding machines as listed.

Lincoln 400AS-50 Name Plate

400AS-50 Name Plate

Name plate for the Lincoln 400AS-50 mobile welding machines.

Lincoln 500AS Name plate

Lincoln 500AS Name plate

Lincoln SA800 Name Plate

SA800 Name Plate
Name plate for the Lincoln SA800 DC power source.

Lincoln Weldan Power 225 Name Plate

Lincoln Weldan Power 225 Name Plate
Reproduction name plate for the Lincoln Weldan Power 225 mobile welding machine.

Lincoln Weldan Power 230+ Name Plate

Lincoln Weldan Power 230+ Name Plate
Reproduction name plate for the Lincoln Weldan Power 230+ mobile welding machine.

Lincoln Weldan Power 350+ Name Plate

Lincoln Weldan Power 350+ Name Plate
Reproduction name plate for the Lincoln Weldan Power 350+ mobile welding machines.